
  • What?

    Microblading is a revolutionary technique that transforms sparse or thin eyebrows into beautifully shaped, natural-looking arches. Using a handheld tool with ultra-fine needles, our skilled technicians meticulously create tiny, precise strokes that mimic the appearance of individual eyebrow hairs. These strokes are then filled with a specialized pigment that matches your natural eyebrow color, resulting in fuller and more defined brows. The process begins with a thorough consultation to determine the desired shape and style. Before the procedure, a numbing cream is applied to ensure maximum comfort. The microblading process itself takes about one to two hours, and the results can last anywhere from one to three years, depending on individual factors. With microblading, you can wake up every day with effortlessly stunning eyebrows that enhance your facial features and boost your confidence.

  • How?

    At Kabuki, we take great pride in our meticulous approach to microblading, ensuring that each client receives personalized and precise eyebrow enhancements. During our intricate consultation process, you will have the opportunity to work closely with our highly experienced microblading artist, Darylle, who brings over 5 years of expertise to every session.

    Darylle begins by carefully measuring and assessing your facial features, taking into account your unique bone structure and the natural shape of your eyebrows. This step allows her to determine the ideal brow shape, size, and arch that will best complement your face. With her keen eye for detail, she ensures that the microbladed brows will harmonize seamlessly with your overall appearance.

    By engaging in this consultation, Darylle ensures that you have a clear understanding of the procedure and feel comfortable with the anticipated results. Her extensive experience allows her to create a natural, tailored look that enhances your unique features and brings out the best version of yourself.

  • Let's go.

    Get ready to revolutionize your beauty routine with microblading. Say goodbye to spending precious time every morning perfecting your eyebrows because our expert microblading artist will create flawlessly shaped and natural-looking brows that will make you feel like a million pounds. Imagine waking up with gorgeous, effortlessly defined eyebrows that frame your face and boost your confidence from the moment you open your eyes. Book your microblading session now through our convenient online booking system and embark on a journey to eyebrow perfection. Trust us, you won't regret it!

    Prices start at £350